You can only do this if you are willing to pay about US$20 per year for Yahoo premium email.
If you want to use online mail in Outlook Express, try using gmail
How do I set yahoo email to receive trhougfh outlook express?
you can do it if you have an old yahoo .com addy. I think they stopped you doing it with new ones. Mine works on outlook express ok. i use '' as my server address
Reply:You cant unless you pay xtra to yahoo, no way it aint worth it.
Reply:i know u asked this question 2 days ago but i have the answer. it's free so dont listen 2 the boneheads who says it's not. just enter as ur incoming server and as ur outgoing server
Reply:You have to pay $9.95/month to be able to... you can go to Yahoo! mail then click the options button to find out more-its under the business mail package. sorry :)
Reply:Get ypops and follow the directions for installation
Reply:Funnily enough I wanted the same! But when I opened the POP settings in my email it says I have to pay for it!! But my boyfriend has got an email and it works for free!!
Reply:Most of the Outlook Express error messages are due to problems with the internet connection, not the software on your computer.
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