
Saturday, November 7, 2009

How can i set a Gmail or Yahoo or any kind of external email adress whit outlook express?

PLZ ANSWER Quick !!!!!!!!!!Tell me how and whit which email adreses?
How can i set a Gmail or Yahoo or any kind of external email adress whit outlook express?
Please follow the steps in this Tutorial to configure your Gmail in Outlook

It is illustrated and easy to follow.

To use Yahoo mail, you'll need to use ypops which you can get from

Yahoo! Mail disabled free access to its POP3 service o颅n 24th April, 2002. YPOPS! emulates a POP3 server and enables popular email clients like Outlook, Netscape, Eudora, Mozilla, etc., to download email from Yahoo! accounts. YPOPS! does not go against the license agreements of Yahoo! Mail. This application is completely legitimate and well within the realms of legal software.

All the best!


Simon Templar
Reply:u can not use outlook for accessing yahoo mails as pop access is not a free service of yahoo

But you can use outlook for accessing gmail ,for this just go to this link and configure outlook accordingly

Reply:You have to first sign up to the GMail or Yahoo mail service.

In Yahoo mail, click on options(top right corner) %26gt;%26gt; Pop Access and Forwarding %26gt;%26gt; click on "I want to....are spam" radio button %26gt;%26gt; click on "view pop settings" %26gt;%26gt; a pop up will be there %26gt;%26gt; in the previous window, click save %26gt;%26gt; in the pop up, go down and click "setting up Outlook Express"%26gt;%26gt; that will help you out.

In GMail, click on settings(top right corner) %26gt;%26gt; Forwarding and POP %26gt;%26gt; enable pop for all mail %26gt;%26gt; save changes %26gt;%26gt; again settings %26gt; forwarding and pop %26gt;%26gt; configuration instructions %26gt;%26gt; a pop up will be there %26gt;%26gt; click on outlook express %26gt;%26gt; either download and run the auto config tool or do the manual configurations...
Reply:Most of the Outlook Express error messages are due to problems with the internet connection, not the software on your computer.
cool name

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